The Burning Mind Project was established to explore how the 10 Principles of Burning Man can be applied to transform the institution of higher education from the inside out!! All interested parties are welcome to join. Burning Mind is coordinated by Nicole Radziwill (Chief Sorceress of Burning Mind, and an Assistant Professor of Integrated Science and Technology at JMU) and Morgan Benton (??? of Burning Mind, and an Associate Professor of Integrated Science and Technology at JMU).
Please let us know if and how you want to play! We are loosely composed of several kindred spirits and organizational partners who share our vision and intent, and invite all inquiries from those who want to actively participate.

“Mist and Shadow, Temple of Juno”
© 2012 Michael Holden. All Rights Reserved, used by permission
DISCLAIMER: The Burning Mind Project is in no way shape or form officially connected to or affiliated with The Burning Man Project, and as a result, anything we say here does not officially represent the Burning Man organization or The Burning Man Project — although we know some of them, think they are pretty cool people with fantastic ideas, and expect to be brainstorming and working with them more over the many moons we call the future.